The first Riccardo Prencipe’s band, existing from 1999 'till 2005, then renamed
Corde Oblique. Lupercalia's early days date back to 1999, when the duo made up of classical guitarist Riccardo Prencipe and violinist Pierangelo Fevola, from Italy, started experimenting various arrangements based around Riccardo's music, using inspiration from several artistic and literary sources.
The concept of transforming visual imagery into sound was persued by the duo since its inception - through their compositions, theatric images of ancient and popular life were reborn, often through the aid of additional synthesizers and samples, as well as self-made replicas of ancient instruments, which allowed this Italian project to achieve a peculiar formula that translated Gothic and Baroque music into a contemporary language through both modern and old instrumentation.
"Les Nuits des Samain", their debut recording, takes place in August 1999, and shortly after Lupercalia are invited to take part in the 5th installment of the "Intimations of Immortality" sampler compilation released through Energeia Records, from Italy.
A deal with World Serpent Distribution would allow Lupercalia to release "Soehrimnir", their first full-length offering and a fully instrumental work, in the year 2000. The addition of dulcimer and mandolin, alongside multiple sampled environmental sound clips, shaped the various aural paintings of places, both real and imaginary, that the duo proposed throughout the album.
The soprano Claudia Florio joined Lupercalia shortly after the release of "Soehrimnir", and new recordings were completed a few months later, just before the band embarked in various concerts that took place during the course of 2001, including a live performance in Utrecht, Holland.
August 2001 marks the beginning of the band's work around "Florilegium" (released in 2004), with the collaboration of Gianluca Uccio, on violin. Riccardo and Claudia have since become the core of the project, yet the recordings of "Florilegium" involved various other musicians, including a real string quartet that contributed to the remarkable orchestration on the album, now finally released via Equilibrium Music after several months of wait since its completion.
After the release of Florilegium, Riccardo Prencipe continued his career as a solo artist under the name
Corde Oblique.
Claudia Florio - Soprano, choirs
Riccardo Prencipe - Classical guitar, orchestral synth, dulcimer
Guest musicians:
Gianluca Uccio - solo / first violin
Giovanni Borrelli - second violin
Roberto Bottino - viola
Gianfranco Scalzo - cello
Lina Salvatore - spoken voices
Mediestetica (CDr, Promo) Not On Label (Lupercalia Self-released) none 2000
Soehrimnir (CD, Album) World Serpent WSCD 030 2000
Florilegium (CD, Album) Equilibrium Music EQM005 2004
Soehrimnir & Mediestetica (2xCD, Comp, RE, RM) Ark Records ark 016 2009
Tracks appear in compilations
tr. Formis-Melarasanctus-Filix
Various - Astan Heft-CD Nr. 15 (CD, Smplr, Enh) Astan Magazin Astan Nr. 15 2002
tr. Normandia
Various - Intimations Of Immortality - Energeia Sampler Vol. 5 (CD, Comp) Energeia ENE052 2000
tr. Formis Melara Sanctus Filix (:Ritual: edit)
Various - :Per:Version: Vol. 1 (CD, Enh, Comp) :Ritual: none 2001
tr. Ouroboros
Various - In The Night Time Sampler Vol. 1 (File, MP3, Promo, Smplr, Comp) In The Night Time NT003 2006