aсhtung! this is nonprofit martial industrial / neofolk forum.
also we have some interest for power electronics/noise, dark ambient, ebm/dark electro, post-punk/gothic und other musical styles.
we exist from december 2009. official birthday is 5 january 2010.
we have hard problems in past, this forum is 3rd reincarnation.
we don't have advertising und we don't make money on our forum.
sometimes we simply exchange the old or new entries in mp3 format.
we don't propagandize anything, but some users are right traditionalists.
by the way, everyone can post everything.
but stupid posts will be deleted und poster will be banned.
be careful in our forum. amen.

some artists lists - neofolk , dark ambient , power electronics
total artists list A - Z here


A Challenge Of Honour - Peter Savelkoul. martial industrial, dark ambient. Netherlands
Abutor - АбутОрь - Sergej Orfeuss. military EBM. Russia
Across The Rubicon - martial industrial, neoclassical. Poland
Actus - Kulscar Attila. martial industrial, ambient. Hungary
Ad Ombra - G.D. Stănciulescu. martial industrial, neoclassical. Romania
Aeldaborn - martial industrial, neofolk. Germany
Aesterii - Svenn Man. martial industrial, dark ambient. France
Aghiatrias - martial industrial, neoclassical. Czechia
Ahnenerbe - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Alle Sagen Ja - Bart Piette. martial industrial. Belgium
Allerseelen - Gerhard Hallstatt. martial industrial, neofolk. Austria
Angry Young Formation - military pop, martial folk. Belarus / Russia
Ante Bellum - Gerardo M.. martial industrial, neoclassical. Mexico
Apoptose - Rüdiger. martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Arbeit! - Greg L.. martial industrial, dark ambient. France
Arditi - martial industrial, neoclassical. Sweden
Area Bombardment - martial industrial, dark ambient. Ireland
Argentum - martial industrial, power electronics. Argentina
Argheid - Mathias Suska. martial industrial, neoclassical. Germany
Arkham - martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland
As All Die - Clint Listing. martial industrial, neofolk, dark ambient. US
Atomtrakt - Christoph Ziegler. martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Auswalht - Stéphane Ayas. martial industrial, neoclassical. France, Rhône-Alpes
Autopsia - martial industrial, neoclassical. Czechia
Awen - Erin Powell. martial industrial, neofolk. US

B-Machina - Alexander Wieser. martial industrial, neofolk. Austria
Bagryaniy Shlyah - Багряний Шлях - martial industrial. Lugansk, Ukraine
Barbarossa Umtrunk - martial industrial, dark ambient. France
Bearer Of The Inmost Sun - Eric Sagl. martial industrial. Austria
Beutewaffen - martial industrial, military noise. Netherlands
Black Dianthus - martial industrial, neoclassical. Portugal
Bleiburg - Stefan Rukavina, martial industrial. Germany
Blood Axis - Michael Moynihan. martial industrial, neofolk. US
BloodSoil - Aeon. martial industrial. Spain
Bonemachine - Alexander Weiser. martial industrial. Austria
Bosnia - Bliem F.. martial industrial, dark ambient. Austria
Bunker - Бункер - Sergey Ilchuk. military noise. Russia
Bunkertor 1 - Mathias S.. martial industrial. Germany

Café De L'Enfer - martial industrial, neoclassical. France
Centauro Del Norte - martial industrial. Mexico
Cold Fusion - Marcin Bachtiak, martial industrial, Poland
Corazzata Valdemone - Gabriele Fagnani. martial industrial, military noise. Italy
Crematoriums Of Dachau - martial industrial, dark ambient. US

Dark Awake - martial industrial, neoclassical, dark ambient. Greece
Das Brandopfer - martial industrial, modern classical, Germany
Dawn & Dusk Entwined - David Sabre. martial industrial, neoclassical. France
The Days Of The Trumpet Call - Raymond P. (Von Thronstahl). martial industrial. Germany
Deathwish - martial industrial, military pop. Czechia
Der Arbeiter - Juan A.. military pop, dark folk. Chile
Der Blaue Reiter - martial industrial, dark ambient, neoclassical. Spain
Der Blutharsch [And The Infinite Church Of The Leading Hand] - Albin Julius. martial industrial, neofolk. Austria
Der Feuerkreiner - martial industrial, neofolk, Italy
Der Jager - martial industrial. Russia
Dernière Volonté - Geoffroy Delacroix. martial industrial, military pop. France
Die Macht - martial industrial, dark ambient. Switzerland
Die Weisse Rose - Thomas Bøjden. martial industrial, neofolk. Denmark
Dresden '45 - Marcel Mulack. martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Droin - Tomasz Kretowski. martial industrial, drone ambient. US
Durch Heer Und Kraft - Adam Bérces. martial industrial. Hungary, Budapest

Egoaedes - Marco E. Thiel. martial industrial. Germany. Berlin
Eisenkrone - martial industrial, dark ambient, neoclassical. France
Eisensonne - martial industrial, neoclassical. Germany
Eiserne Front - ArchAngel. martial industrial. Germany
Eldar - martial industrial, neoclassical, dark ambient. Spain
Europaplan - martial industrial. France / Germany
Exemtum - military pop. Germany

Fasci Di Combattimento - Borislav Vakinov. martial industrial, dark ambient. Bulgaria
Folkstorm - Henrik Nordvargr Björkk. martial industrial, noise. Sweden
Fragola Nera - martial industrial, neofolk. Italy
Front Sonore - Julien. martial industrial. France

Gabe-Unruh - Linox & Adonar. martial industrial. Germany
Genitor Lvminis - Magnus Engwall. martial industrial, dark ambient. Sweden
Ghosts Of Breslau - Kormak. martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland
Grabstein - Paul B.. martial industrial, dark ambient. Ireland

H.E.R.R. - martial industrial, neoclassical. Netherlands
Heaven Host - martial industrial, neoclassical. Russia
Heid - martial industrial, dark ambient. Sweden
Heiliges Licht - Michael O., martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Heldentod - martial industrial. US
Helmond - Sascha B. & Marco M.. martial industrial. Germany
Horologium - Grzegorz Siedlecki. martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland

I See Dead Kings - martial industrial, neofolk. Ukraine
Ich Hatt' Einen Kameraden - martial industrial, dark ambient. US
Ierophania - Иерофания - martial industrial, noise, ambient. Russia
Ignis Vrbis Mithrae - martial industrial, neoclassical. Italy
Im Einsatz - martial industrial. Switzerland
Imperat - martial industrial, neoclassical. Argentina
In Slaughter Natives - Jouni Havukainen. martial industrial, noise. Sweden
In The Nursery - martial industrial, neoclassical. UK
Infamis - Wojciech Zięba, martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland
Infestation - Louis Carrier, martial industrial, neoclassical. Canada
Insuffer - martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland
Invisible Empire - martial industrial, neoclassical. Italy
IronWork - Graham Blacksmith. martial industrial. Switzerland

J Orphic - Marco de Marco, martial industrial, dark ambient, Italy

Kammer Sieben - Herr Twiggs. martial industrial, neofolk. Germany
Kampfbund Neue Ordnung - martial industrial, Germany
Kannonau - martial industrial, neofolk. Italy
Karjalan Sissit - Markus Pesonen. martial industrial, dark ambient. Finland
Karma Marata - martial industrial, neofolk. Germany
Kazeria [ KZ ] - martial industrial, dark ambient. Argentina
Kraftfaghrkorps - martial industrial, military noise. Russia, Sanct Petersburg
Kraschau - Adam Berces. martial industrial. Hungary
Krepulec - Wojciech Zięba. martial industrial. Poland
Kreuzer - martial industrial, neoclassical. Israel, Tel-Aviv
Kreuzweg Ost - martial industrial, neoclassical. Austria
Krieger - Max Presch, M. Sägmüller. martial industrial. Germany
Kriegsfall-U - martial industrial, neoclassical. Hungary
Kriegshund - military EBM. Serbia
Kriegstrommeln - Sergej Orfeuss. martial industrial. Russia
Kriegsturm - martial industrial, dark ambient, neofolk. Latvia
Kryvakryž - martial folk. Belarus
Kulturkrieg - martial industrial. Sweden

L'Effet C'Est Moi - martial industrial, neofolk, neoclassical. Italy
L'Horrible Passion - martial industrial, dark ambient, Spain
La Voix Des Nôtres - Erik Konofal, martial industrial, France
Laibach - martial industrial, military pop, neoclassical. Slovenia
Land - Marc Piskic. martial industrial, dark ambient. France
Larrnakh - Sörös Gergő. martial industrial, neofolk. Hungary
Le Revers Sanglant - martial industrial, neoclassical. France
Le Silence Des Ruines - Nicolas F.. martial industrial, neoclassical. France
Le Testament De La Lumière - martial industrial, dark ambient, neoclassical. Austria
Lebensborn - martial industrial. Czechia
Leger Des Heils - Mario Ansinn. martial industrial, neofolk. Germany
Legionarii - martial industrial, neoclassical. Italy
Leidungr - martial industrial, neofolk. Sweden
Les Affres De La Mort - Laurent. martial industrial, neoclassical. France
Les Colonnes De L'Eternite - martial industrial, neoclassical.
Les Joyaux de la Princesse - Erik Konofal. martial industrial. dark ambient. France
Les Mort Skin - martial industrial. Bulgaria
Les Sentiers Conflictuels - Philippe Kam. martial industrial, dark ambient. France
Levoi Pravoi - Nikolay Saveliev. martial industrial. Russia / US
Liyr - martial industrial, neoclassical. France
Loretta's Doll - military pop. UK
Lucisferrato - martial industrial, dark ambient. Russia
Luftwaffe - martial industrial, neofolk. US, Chicago
Lupi Gladius - martial industrial, neofolk. Italy

Manmachine - Andreas Schwarz. martial industrial, noise. Germany
March Of Heroes - Romain Lemenorel. martial industrial, neoclassical. France
Marching Runes - martial industrial, dark ambient. Finland
Martel de Fer - martial industrial. Russia
Materialschlacht - Peter Savelkoul. martial industrial. Netherlands
Militia - martial industrial. Belgium
Militia Dei - Jean-François Hicter, martial industrial. France
Monument Westwall - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud - martial industrial, dark ambient, medieval. Austria
Morgentaina - military pop, apocalyptic pop, dark ambient. Russia
Most Of The Taciturn - martial industrial, dark ambient. China
MZ.412 (Maschinenzimmer 412) - Henrik Nordvargr Björkk. martial industrial. Sweden

Nawia - martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland
Nazi UFO Commander - experimental. Germany
NDE - Bart Piette. martial industrial, black metal. Belgium
Nebel - Lionel F.. martial industrial, dark ambient. France
Nekyia - Mariusz Grossmann, martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland
Nevod - Ivan Maslov. martial industrial. Uzbekistan
Nihil Novi Sub Sole - Marco Kehren. martial industrial, neoclassical. Netherlands
Nihilistic Front - Nikolay Mitev. military harsh noise. Bulgaria
No Way Out - martial industrial, noise ambient. France
Nocturne - Saphi. martial industrial, experimental. France
Northgate - Trevor (CAMERATA MEDIOLANENSE). martial industrial. Italy
Nuevo Ideal Nacional - martial industrial, military noise. Venezuela

Oda Relicta - Olegh Kolyada. martial industrial, neoclassical. Ukraine
Omnicore - martial industrial. France
Ophir - Sven Bussler. martial industrial. Germany
Order Of The Werewolf - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Order Of Victory - martial, neoclassical. Russia, Voronezh
Organisation Toth - martial industrial, ritual ambient. France
Our God Weeps - János Madura. martial industrial, neoclassical. Hungary

Pantheon Legio Musica - martial industrial, neofolk, neoclassical. Germany
Panzar - Peter Andersson. military noise. Sweden
Panzertank - military EBM. Russia
Parzival - military pop, military EBM. Denmark
Penitent - Karsten Hamre. martial industrial, neoclassical. UK
Persona - martial industrial, dark ambient. Spain, Barcelona
Phragments - martial industrial, dark ambient. Bratislava, Slovakia
Pimentola - martial industrial, dark ambient, neoclassical. Finland
Plagiarism Is Art - martial industrial. Spain
Predella Avant - martial industrial, neoclassical. Netherlands
The Pride Of Wolves - martial industrial, dark ambient, neofolk, UK/Germany
The Protagonist - Magnus Sundström. martial industrial, neoclassical. Sweden
Puissance - martial industrial, neoclassical. Sweden

Radio Eichenlaub - martial industrial. Germany
Regard Extrême - Fabien Nicault. martial industrial, neoclassical. France
Rome - martial industrial, neofolk. Luxembourg
Roses Scattered Love-Decays - RSLD - martial industrial, dark ambient. Switzerland
Ruhe - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Rukkanor - Robert Marciniak. martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland
Run Atalanta! - martial industrial, neoclassical. Poland
Ryr - martial industrial, military noise. Russia

Sala Delle Colonne - Mehmet R. Frugis. martial industrial, neoclassical. Italy
Schattenspiel - Sven. martial industrial, neoclassical. Germany
Schlafwagen - Székelyhidi Zsolt, S. Gergely, martial industrial. Hungary
Schummer Gergely - martial industrial. Hungary
Schutzstaffel - Borislav Vakinov. martial industrial. Bulgaria
Schwadron - martial industrial, military noise. Germany
Scripta Sensus - Raivo Petrāns. martial industrial, dark ambient. Latvia, Rīga
Sect - Lukasz Maj. martial industrial, neoclassical. Poland
Seinsvergessenheit - martial industrial, neoclassical. Belgium
Sektionseinheit - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Selektion - martial industrial, angstpop. Germany
Seuchensturm - Signore. Paladino. martial industrial. Germany
Shadows And Dust - J. Schaap, J. van Krimpen. martial industrial. Netherlands
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum - D. Mercuri, Josef K.. martial, neofolk. Italy/Germany
Sigrun Heid - Sven Bussler. martial industrial. Germany
Simon - martial industrial, military noise. Russia
Sinweldi - Albert S.. martial industrial, military pop, neofolk. France
Skrol - Vladimír Hirsch. martial industrial, neoclassical. Czechia
SnowW.Wwhite - Snowwy. military pop, neofolk. UK
Sophia - Peter Bjärgö Petersson, martial industrial, dark ambient. Sweden
Sorgeist - Sebastien Leduc. neofolk, ambient. Canada
The Soul That Creates - martial industrial, dark ambient, France
Spreu & Weizen - Signore Paladino. martial industrial, neoclassical. Germany
Stahlwerk 9 - Reinhard Hopfe. martial industrial. Germany
Stalag 328 - martial industrial, military noise. Ukraine, Lemberg
Stålhjelm - martial industrial, dark ambient. US
Stalingrad - KIRLIAN CAMERA. martial industrial, neoclassical. Italy
Stalnoy Pakt - Стальной Пактъ - Alexander Lebedev-Frontov. martial industrial, dark ambient. Russia
Stielhandgranate - martial industrial, dark ambient. France
Storm Of Capricorn - Serge Usson. martial industrial, dark ambient. France
Stricta Doctrina - martial industrial, neoclassical. Canada
Striider - Jornt. martial industrial, dark ambient. Netherlands
Sturm - martial industrial, neoclassical. France
Sturmast - martial industrial. neofolk. Hungary
Sturmführer - martial industrial, experimental, dark ambient. US
Sturmovik - martial industrial. Germany
Subhuman - martial industrial, military noise. Russia
Summer In Prypjat - Marcus Ziemer, martial industrial, dark ambient, Germany
Surma - martial industrial, Ukraine
Suveräna - martial industrial, neoclassical. Spain
Sva Battalion - martial industrial, military noise. Russia
Svalbard - military pop, neofolk. Belarus, Homel
Swirling Sunwheels - military noise, dark ambient. Canada

T-Wald - Transistorwald - Isawald. martial industrial, noise ambient. Russia
Tethrippon - martial industrial, dark folk. Greece
Thorn Agram - martial industrial, dark ambient. Croatia
Thunderwheel - martial industrial, neoclassical. Israel
Toroidh - Henrik Nordvargr Björkk. martial industrial. Sweden
Träume - Paulo Martins, Nuno Cruz. martial industrial. Portugal
Triarii - Christian Erdmann. martial industrial, neoclassical. Germany
Tribe Of Circle - Jean-Paul Antelmi. martial industrial. France
Tribes Of Medusa - Thomas Zmuda. martial industrial, dark ambient. UK
TriORE - Ch. Erdmann, Th. Pettersson. military pop. Germany
The Troika - martial industrial, neofolk. Switzerland
The True Will - Jim Breedveld. martial industrial, dark ambient. Netherlands
TSIDMZ - Uomo D’Acciaio. martial industrial, noise. Italy
Tugend - martial industrial, dark ambient. US
Turbund Sturmwerk - martial industrial, neofolk, Germany
Tvmvlvs Seraphim - Mario Costa. martial industrial, dark ambient. Italy

Ultrapolar Intrusion - Ультраполярное Вторжение - Aleksandr. military noise, dark ambient. Russia, N. Novgorod
Un Défi D'Honneur - Peter Savelkoul. military pop. Netherlands
Unequal Treaty - martial industrial, neoclassical, dark ambient
Unternehmen Dreizack - martial industrial, experimental. Germany
Upsland - martial industrial, military pop. France
Urfyr - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany

V-1 - martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland
Vae Victus - Peter Iolin. martial industrial. US
Ve Europa - martial industrial. Germany
Verbum - neoclassical, martial industrial. Spain
Verney 1826 - Lionel Verney, martial industrial, neoclassical, Germany
Vir Martialis - martial industrial. Venezuela
VIS-35 - martial industrial. Poland
Vladimír Hirsch - martial industrial, neoclassical. Czechia
Von Liebenfels - martial industrial, dark ambient. New Zealand
Von Thronstahl - martial industrial. Germany

Waffenruhe - martial industrial. Germany
Wappenbund - Sven Bussler. martial industrial. neoclassical. Germany
Warraha - martial industrial. Poland.
Weihan - martial industrial, neofolk. Belgium
The Well Of Sadness - Daniele Giustra. martial industrial. Italy
Westwind - Christophe Gales. martial industrial, dark ambient. France
Winter Offensive - military harsh EBM. Poland

Zagrob - martial industrial, neofolk. Croatia
Zebaoth - martial industrial. Hungary
Zr19.84 - Riccardo Z.. martial industrial, dark ambient. Italy

1920 - martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland

279 units

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