other threads as power electronics, noise, ebm, gothic/post-punk, metal etc. will be add soon as possible.
08 XI 18


1000schoen - Tausendschoen - drone ambient. Germany
11 Storm Unit - dark ambient. Poland
12 Frozen Radios - drone ambient. US/Ukraine
1774 - dark ambient. Netherlands
1920 - martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland
20.SV - death industrial. Lebanon
21 Gramms - dark ambient. Poland
23 Skidoo - experimental industrial. UK
36 - 3six - experimental ambient. UK
4 Позиции Бруно - experimental industrial. Russia
4th Sign Of The Apocalypse - experimental ambient. US
6Comm / Sixth Comm - experimental industrial. UK
7PM Ritual - neofolk. Germany
88MM - experimental industrial. US


A Challenge Of Honour - martial industrial, dark ambient. Netherlands
A Minority Of One - neofolk, ambient. US
A Murder Of Angels - dark ambient, "damnbient". US
A.Lixivia - neofolk, ambient. Canada
A.R.S. - experimental industrial. Germany
A Taste For Decay - drone ambient, abstract. Sweden
A.T.M.O.M. - dark ambient. Russia
A.Y.F. - Angry Young Formation - military pop. Belarus / Russia / Ukraine
Aaron Dilloway - experimental industrial. US
Äärvö / Aarvo - percussion industrial, drone ambient, noise. France
Ab Intra - dark ambient. Poland
Abandoned Asylum - dark ambient. Poland
Abandoned Shelter - dark ambient. Bulgaria
Aberva - experimental industrial. Finland
Abjection Ritual - death industrial. US
Abutor - АбутОрь - military EBM. Russia
Across The Rubicon - martial industrial, neoclassical. Poland
Actus - A.C.T.U.S. - martial industrial, dark ambient. Hungary
Ad Lux Tenebrae - ritual ambient. Russia
Ad Marginem - percussion industrial. Russia
Ad Ombra - martial industrial, neoclassical. Romania
Aderlating - dark ambient, noise. Netherlands
Aegri Somnia - dark ambient. Croatia
Aeoga - dark ambient. Finland
Aeldaborn - martial industrial, neofolk. Germany
Aere Aeternus - dark ambient. Italy/France/UK
Aesterii - martial industrial, dark ambient. France
Aeterna - neofolk. Germany
Aethenor - Æthenor - dark ambient. International
Ager Sonus - drone ambient. Germany
Aggressive Remover - percussion industrial / musique concrete / noise. Israel
Aghiatrias - martial industrial, neoclassical. Czechia
Agnivolok - dark folk, ambient. Israel
Ah Cama-Sotz - tribal ambient, dub. Belgium
Ahnenerbe - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Aidan Baker - ambient. Germany
Ain Soph - neofolk, ambient. Italy
Ainulindalë - dark folk, folk rock. France
AIT! - neofolk, dark cabaret. Italy
Aki Rise - neofolk. Italy
Akpan - noise ambient. Russia
Alberich - death industrial. US
Albireon - neofolk. Italy
Alethes - dark folk. US
Algiz - neofolk. Belgium
Algol space ambient. Russia/UK
Alio Die - drone ambient, field recording. Italy
All My Faith Lost ... - neofolk, ethereal. Italy
Alle Sagen Ja - martial industrial. Belgium
Allegory Chapel Ltd. - experimental industrial. US
Allerseelen - martial industrial, neofolk. Austria
Allseits - dark ambient. Germany
Alone In The Hollow Garden - dark ambient. Romania
Alphaxone - space ambient. Iran
Altarmang - dark ambient. Sweden
Aluminum Noise - noise ambient. US
Amantra - drone ambient. France
Amethyst - noise ambient. Canada
Amor De Madre - neofolk. Spain
Analfabetism - dark ambient. Sweden
Anastasis - ritual folk, byzantine, greek orthodox. Russia
Ancestral Voices - experimental ambient. UK
Andrew King - neofolk. UK
Anemone Tube - experimental industrial. Germany
Anenzephalia - death industrial. Germany
Anima In Fiamme - neofolk, medieval. Italy
Anji Cheung - experimental ambient. UK
Annabelle's Garden - neofolk, darkwave. Germany
Anne Gillis - experimental industrial. France
Ante Bellum - martial industrial, neoclassical. Mexico
Antelogos - ritual ambient. France
Anthem - martial industrial. France
Anticreative Deathinition - tribal ambient. Poland
Antlers Mulm - experimental industrial. Germany
Antropsy - dark ambient. Russia
Apatheia - neofolk. Sweden
Aphotic Apathy - space ambient. US
Apócrýphos – Apocryphos - dark ambient. US
Apokrifna Realnost (Aporea) - neofolk, ritual ambient. Macedonia
Apoptose - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Appropriate Savagery - dark ambient. Canada
Araphel - dark ambient. Israel
Arbeit! - martial industrial, dark ambient. France
Arcana - dark ambient, neoclassical. Sweden
Archangelsk Jugend - dark ambient, experimental. Croatia
Archean Nights - space ambient. France
Archon Satani - dark ambient. Sweden
Arditi - martial neoclassical. Sweden
Arduinna - dark folk, ambient. Belgium
Area Bombardment - martial industrial, dark ambient. Ireland
Arecibo - space ambient. UK
Argentum - martial industrial, power electronics. Argentina
Argheid - martial industrial, neoclassical. Germany
Argine - neofolk. Italy
Ariu Kara - Ариу Кара - experimental industrial. Russia
Arkham - martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland
Arkhaion - dark ambient, neoclassical. Greenland
Arkhe - experimental industrial. Sweden
Arktau Aon - ritual ambient. Finland
Arktau Eos - ritual ambient. Finland
Armon Kuilu - dark folk. Finland
Àrnica - neofolk, iberian ur-folk. Spain
Arrowwood - dark folk. US
Arsule - dungeon synth / black ambient. France
Art Abscons - neofolk. Germany
Art Of Empathy - neofolk. Belgium
As All Die - martial industrial, neofolk, dark ambient. US
Aspectee - drone ambient. Germany
Astrowind - ambient. Latvia
Ataraxia - neofolk, neoclassical, ethereal. Italy
Ataxia Lab - experimental industrial. US
Atomine Elektrine - space ambient, berlin school. Sweden
Atomtrakt - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Atrax Morgue - death industrial. Italy
Atrium Carceri - dark ambient. Sweden
Atrox - experimental industrial. Germany
AU+ - experimental industrial. Italy
AUN - dark ambient. Canada
Aural Holograms - ritual ambient. Finland
Aurum Nostrum - neofolk. Germany
Āustras Laīwan - neofolk, ambient. Russia
Auswalht - martial industrial, neoclassical. France
Autopsia - martial industrial, neoclassical. Czechia
Awen - martial industrial, neofolk. US
AWFS - dark ambient. Canada
Axon Neuron / Vagwa - experimental ambient. Germany
Aythar - space ambient, berlin school. Hungary
Azoikum - death industrial. Germany


B'ee - B'eirth - Bobin Eirth - neofolk, acoustic. US
B-Machina - Bonemachine - martial industrial, neofolk. Austria
Backworld - neofolk. US
Backyard Ghost - dark ambient. US
Bad Sector - dark ambient. Italy
Bagryanii Schliach - Багряний Шлях - martial industrial, dark ambient. Ukraine
Bain Wolfkind - neofolk. Australia
Baishui - dark folk. China
Baradelan - dark ambient. Germany
Barbarossa Umtrunk - martial industrial, dark ambient. France
Barditus - neofolk. Germany
Bardoseneticcube - dark ambient, experimental. Russia
Barren Harvest - dark folk, ambient. US
Bass Communion - experimental ambient. UK
Bearer Of The Inmost Sun - martial industrial. Austria
Beastianity - neofolk, experimental, psychedelic. Australia
Before The Revival - percussion industrial, dark ambient. unknown
Belborn - neofolk. Germany
Bellum Romanum - neofolk. UK
Ben Frost - experimental industrial. Iceland
Bereft - death industrial. US
Berkana - neofolk. Germany
Beutewaffen - military noise. Netherlands
Beyond Sensory Experience - dark ambient. Sweden
Biosphere - arctic ambient. Norway
Birch Book - neofolk. US
Birthright - military noise. US
Bisclaveret - dark ambient. Poland
Black Dianthus - martial industrial, dark ambient. Portugal
Black Egg - experimental industrial. International
Black Light - neofolk. US
Black Tempest - experimental ambient. UK
Black Thief - dark ambient. Ukraine
Blake's Optimism - neofolk. France
Blasterkorps - experimental industrial. France
Bleiburg - military pop. Germany
Bliźnaczy Sen / Bliznaczy Sen - experimental industrial. Poland
Blok 57 - experimental industrial. Germany
Blood & Sand - neofolk. Russia
Blood And Sun - neofolk. US
Blood Axis - martial industrial, neofolk. US
BloodSoil - martial industrial, neoclassical. Spain
Bloody Woods - dark folk, medieval. China
Body Of Intrigue - experimental ambient. Canada
Body Sculptures - experimental industrial. Sweden / Denmark
Bodychoke - experimental industrial, noise rock. UK
Bolverkstorm - martial industrial. Russia
Borbetomagus - percussion industrial, improve industrial. US
Bosnia - martial industrial, dark ambient. Austria
Bourbonese Qualk - experimental industrial. UK
Brgs - experimental industrial, field recordings. Slovenia
Brighter Death Now - death industrial. Sweden
Brodami - neofolk, neoclassical, electronic. Russia
Bunkertor 1 - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany


Cabaret Voltaire - experimental industrial, synthpop. UK
Cable Regime - experimental industrial, noise rock. UK
Caelum Natus Ex Mortuus - dark ambient. France
Café De L'Enfer - martial industrial, neoclassical. France
Caithness - dark ambient. France
Calle Della Morte - neofolk. Italy
Camerata Mediolanense - neofolk. Italy
Cannes - field recordings. Belgium
Carnera - martial industrial. Italy
Caroline K - experimental industrial. UK
Carved In Stone - neofolk, mystic folk. Germany
Cataplus - dark folk. Finland
Cavalo Na Caixa - experimental industrial. Portugal
Cawatana - apocalyptic folk. Hungary
Cenizacromada - experimental industrial. Colombia
Centauro Del Norte - martial industrial, dark ambient. Mexico
Cernunnos Woods - dungeon synth. US
Changes - neofolk. US
Chirleison - neofolk, medieval. Italy
Chris And Cosey - experimental industrial. UK
Christopher Alvarado - drone ambient. US
Chronique Nocturne - neofolk, dark ambient. France
Circe - neofolk. Spain
Circular - space ambient. Germany
Cisfinitum - experimental ambient. Russia
Cities Last Broadcast - field recordings. Sweden
Clay Rendering - experimental industrial. US
Cober Ord - ritual ambient. France
Coffee Saucers - experimental industrial. US
CoH - experimental industrial. Russia
Coil - experimental industrial. UK
Cold Fusion - martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland
Collapsar - space ambient. France
Colossloth - experimental industrial. UK
Come - experimental industrial. UK
Concept 7 - experimental industrial. UK
Concrescence - neofolk. Germany
Conjecture - experimental ambient. Greece
Conscientia Peccati - neofolk, ambient. Germany
ConSono - neofolk, ambient. Sweden
Contagious Orgasm - experimental industrial. Japan
Continuum - drone ambient. UK/Belgium
Controlled Bleeding - experimental industrial. US
Coph Nia - dark ambient. Sweden
Corazzata Valdemone - military noise. Italy
Corde Oblique - neofolk. Italy
Corona Barathri - ritual ambient. Russia
Corvus Neblus - dungeon synth. Greece
Corvuz - dark ambient. Russia
Cosmonauts Hail Satan - experimental industrial, noise rock. UK
Cotard Delusion - neofolk, ambient. Portugal
Council Estate Electronics - ambient. UK
Council Of Nine - drone ambient. US
Cousin Silas - dark ambient. US
Crane's Dreams - ambient, neoclassical. Russia
Crash Worship - experimental industrial. US
Creation VI - ritual ambient. Russia
Crematoriums Of Dachau - martial ambient. US
Crisantemo Del Carrione - neofolk, darkwave. Italy
CromWellC - martial industrial. Germany
Crooked Mouth - neofolk. Canada
Cruel Wonders - dark folk, post-doom. Israel
Cryo Chamber Collaboration - dark ambient
Cryobiosis - dark ambient. Romania
Cryogenic Weekend - ambient. Ukraine
Current 93 - David Tibet. apocalyptic folk. UK
Cut Hands - experimental industrial, abstract, african. UK
Cut The Light - drone ambient. Russia
Cydonia - dark ambient. France


Da-Sein - experimental industrial. Spain
Daemonia Nymphe - neofolk, medieval. Greece
Dahlia's Tear - dark ambient. Sweden
Dakshineswar - neofolk, experimental. Spain
Dal-Ha-Mun - drone ambient. France
Dame Silú de Mordomoire - dungeon synth, ethereal. France
Dandelion Wine - neofolk, darkwave, ethereal. Australia
Danheim - folk ambient. Denmark
Dânnâgôischd - neofolk. Austria
Dark Awake - martial industrial, neoclassical, dark ambient. Greece
Dark Enigma - experimental industrial. UK
Dark Matter Noise - experimental industrial. US
Darkher - dark folk. UK
DarkRad - dark ambient. Russia
Darkwood - neofolk. Germany
Das Brandopfer - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
David E. Williams - neofolk, experimental. US
Dawn & Dusk Entwined - martial industrial, neoclassical. France
Day Before Us - martial industrial, neoclassical, dark ambient. France
Day Of The Antler, The - neofolk. Finland
Days Of The Trumpet Call, The - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
De Fabriek - experimental industrial. Netherlands
De Profvndis Clamavi - death industrial. Spain
Dead C, The - experimental industrial. New Zealand
Dead Man's Hill - martial industrial, dark ambient. Belgium
Dead Melodies - noise ambient. UK
Death In June - apocalyptic folk. UK
Death In Rome - neofolk. Italy
Death In Vegas - experimental industrial. UK
Death Kneel - noise ambient. Canada
Deathprod - drone ambient. Norway
Deathstench - death industrial, black ambient. US
Deathwish - military wave, industrial. Czechia
Decadence - neofolk. Greece
Deep-pression - black ambient. Poland/Italy
DeepDark - space ambient. Russia
Défilé Des Âmes - neofolk. Greece
Deleyaman - neofolk, experimental. France/US
Delysid - space ambient. Germany
Demen - drone ambient. Sweden
Demonologists - experimental industrial. US
Dendera Bloodbath - experimental industrial. US
Depressive Silence - dungeon synth. Germany
Depther - dark ambient. Finland
Der Andere - dark ambient. Ukraine
Der Arbeiter - military pop, neofolk. Chile
Der Blaue Reiter - martial industrial, dark ambient, neoclassical. Spain
Der Blutharsch - martial industrial, krautrock. Austria
Der Feuerkreiner - martial industrial, neofolk. Italy
Der Jager - martial industrial, dark ambient. Russia
Dernière Volonté - military pop. France
Desiderii Marginis - dark ambient. Sweden
Desolation Zone - experimental industrial. Poland
Destroying Angel - neofolk. US
Destruktionsanstalt - death industrial, drone ambient. Denmark
Deutsch Nepal - dark ambient. Sweden
Devil & The Universe, The - ritual ambient. Austria
Diagnose: Lebensgefahr - drone ambient. Sweden
Die Elektrische Vorspiele - noise ambient. Russia
Die Form - experimental industrial, darkwave. France
Die Macht - martial industrial, dark ambient. Switzerland
Die Schwarzen Blumen - dark ambient. Russia
Die Wappen Des Thodt - neofolk, ambient. Germany
Die Weisse Rose - martial industrial, neofolk. Denmark
Dies Natalis - neofolk. Germany
Din Brad - neofolk, pagan folk. Romania
Dissonant Elephant - neofolk, ambient, piano. France
Divine Muzak - experimental industrial. Romania
Division S - neofolk. Italy
Djinn - dark ambient. Italy
Dødsmaskin - death industrial. Norway
Dolorism - dark ambient. France
Donis - neofolk, ambient. Lithuania
Doomed Bird Of Providence, The - neofolk. UK
Down In June - neofolk. Sweden
Downcasts - dark ambient. Japan
Downfall - neofolk. France
Dresden '45 - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Drew McDowall - experimental industrial. Scotland
Droin - martial industrial, drone ambient. US
Dronny Darko - drone ambient. Ukraine
Drowned In Salt - neofolk. Argentina
Drwiwy - neofolk, ambient. Belarus
Dry Eyes - percussion industrial, musique concrete, dark ambient. US
Duncan Evans - dark folk. UK, England
Dune Messiah - neofolk, post-punk. Denmark
Duo Noir - neofolk. UK
Durch Heer Und Kraft - martial industrial, neoclassical. Hungary
Dwelling - neofolk, neoclassical, ethereal. Portugal
Dwole - experimental industrial. US
DZ Lectric - experimental industrial. France


Earl Mountain - dungeon synth, black ambient. Canada
Edwin Gorham - experimental industrial. US
Egida Aurea - neofolk. Italy
Egoaedes - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Eidulon - black ambient. Italy
Einstürzende Neubauten - experimental industrial, percussion industrial. Germany
Eisenkrone - martial industrial, dark ambient, neoclassical. France
Eisensonne - martial industrial, neoclassical. Germany
Eiserne Front - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Ekra - experimental industrial. Italy
Elanyxia - dark ambient. UK
Eldar - martial ambient. Spain
Electric Sewer Age - experimental industrial. UK
Elegi - dark ambient, neoclassical. Norway
Eliwagar - nordic folk. Norway
ElixiR - dungeon synth, ritual ambient. France
Elli Riehl - neofolk, ambient. Austria
Eltan Renaxy - dark folk. China
Embrace Of Branches - dark folk. Russia
Emerson Dracon - martial industrial, darkwave. Argentina
Emme Ya - ritual ambient. Colombia
Empty Chalice - drone ambient. Italy
Empusae - noise ambient. Belgium
Empyrium - neofolk, acoustic. Germany
En Nihil - dark ambient. US
End - experimental industrial, gabber, hard techno. Norway
Enemite (怨) - ritual ambient. China
English Heretic - neofolk, experimental. UK
Enmarta - dark ambient. Italy
Ēnu Kaleidoskops - neofolk, Latvia
Epilepsy - experimental industrial, EBM, metal. Belgium
Epoch - martial industrial. US
Erde - neofolk. Belarus, Homel
Eridu Arcane - neofolk, medieval. Norway
Ernte - neofolk. Germany
Erntegang - dark folk. Germany
Escuadron De La Muerte - death industrial. Mexico
Et Nihil - martial industrial. US
Europa Rex - martial industrial, dark ambient. Russia
Europaplan - martial industrial, dark ambient. France / Germany
EWT 811 - space ambient. Poland
Exemtum - military pop. Germany
Eximia - field recording. Slovakia
Exo_C - experimental industrial, IDM. Belgium


Fading Contour - experimental industrial. Australia
Fahl - folk ambient. Germany
Falkenstein - neofolk. Germany
Fall Of Because - experimental industrial. UK
False Mirror - dark ambient. Germany
Fasci Di Combattimento - martial industrial, dark ambient. Bulgaria
Fayrierie - neofolk. Spain
Fearthainne - dark folk. US
Felsenfesst - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Feuervogel - death industrial. Uzbekistan
Filthskin - experimental industrial. Belgium
Fire + Ice - neofolk. Australia/UK
First Human Ferro - dark ambient. Ukraine
Fjernlys - dark ambient. Germany
Flowers For Bodysnatchers - dark ambient. Australia
Foetus - experimental industrial. Australia
Folkstorm - martial industrial, military noise. Sweden
Fonemi - dark ambient. Italy
Forbidden Territory - dark ambient. Sweden
Foresta Di Ferro - neofolk. Italy, Milan
Forndom - folk ambient. Sweden
Forseti - neofolk. Germany
Fragola Nera - martial industrial, neofolk. International
Fräkmündt - neofolk. Switzerland
Freya Aswynn - neofolk, ritual folk. UK
Front Sonore - martial industrial, military noise. France
Frontsvin - military noise. Denmark
Frore - tribal ambient. US
Frostwinter - death industrial. Germany
Funeral Mantra - dark ambient. Spain
Funerary Call - dark ambient. Canada
Furvus - neofolk. Spain


Gabe-Unruh - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Gaë Bolg (and the Church of Fand) - neofolk, medieval. France
Galerie Schallschutz - dark ambient. Germany
Gamardah Fungus - ritual ambient. Ukraine
Gefaehrte - experimental industrial. Germany
Gemeinschaft - neofolk. Sweden
Genitor Lvminis - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Gerda Orden - experimental industrial. Chile/Germany/Russia
Gerogerigegege, The - experimental industrial. Japan
Ghédalia Tazartès - experimental industrial, avant-garde, musique concrète. France
Ghosts Of Breslau - martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland
Ghost Of Sodom - dark folk. Sweden
Ghoulbog - dark ambient. Sweden
Ghunzul - drone ambient. Austria
Girnų Giesmės - experimental ambient. Lithuania
Glacial Chamber - dark ambient, US
Gnawed - death industrial. US
Gnome, The - ambient. UK / US
Gnomonclast - neofolk, dark folk. US
Goataholic - military ebm. Denmark
God Body Disconnect - dark ambient. US
Gol Dolan - dark folk. China
Golgatha - :Golgatha: - neofolk, ambient. Germany
Grabstein - martial industrial, dark ambient. Ireland
Grand Mal x - experimental industrial. Sweden
Grande Lumière Détruira Tous - space ambient. Russia
Graumahd - neofolk. Austria
Grauraum - experimental ambient. Germany
Green Elder - dark folk. US
Green Man, The - neofolk, experimental. Italy
Green Mistletoe - neofolk. US
Gregorio Bardini - neofolk. Italy
Grey Force Wakeford - neofolk. UK
Grey Frequency - drone ambient. UK
Grey Lenses - dark ambient. Russia
Greymachine - experimental industrial, metal. UK
Grift - dark folk, black metal, Sweden
Grimbergen - dark ambient. UK
Grøn - field recordings. Denmark
Gustaf Hildebrand - dark ambient. Sweden
Gutagård - neofolk, medieval Russia
Gyvata - neofolk, folk, ethno. Lithuania


H.E.R.R. - martial industrial, neoclassical. Netherlands
Hafler Trio, The - dark ambient. UK
Hainbach - experimental ambient. Germany
Halgrath - ritual ambient. Russia
Halindir - ritual ambient, dungeon synth. Denmark
Halo Manash - ritual ambient. Finland
Hands Of Ruin - martial industrial, dark ambient. UK
Har Belex - neofolk. Germany
Hare And The Moon, The - neofolk, psychedelic rock. UK
Harmony Garden - neofolk. Finland
Harvest Rain - neofolk. US
Haunter Of The Woods - neofolk. US
Havnatt - neofolk, acoustic. Norway
HaWthorn - dark folk. UK
Häxan - dark folk, ambient. France
Headbutt - experimental industrial, noise rock. UK
Heaven Host - martial industrial, neoclassical. Russia
Heid - martial industrial, dark ambient. Sweden
Heiliges Licht - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Heilung - neofolk. Denmark
Heimingi - martial industrial, neoclassical. Germany
Hekate - neofolk. Germany
Hekla - dark ambient, minimal. Iceland
Heldentod - martial industrial, dark ambient. US
Helmond - martial industrial. Germany
Herbst9 - ritual ambient. Germany
Hexperos - neofolk, medieval. Italy
Hexvessel - neofolk, "psychedelic forest folk". Finland
Hezaliel - drone ambient. Belgium
Hibernis - space ambient, ethereal. US
Hide & Seek - neofolk. France
Hiemis - dark ambient. Spain
Hjärnkultur - death industrial. Sweden
Hoarfrost - dark ambient. Poland
Holotrop - dark ambient. Germany
Horologium - martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland
Horoscope - experimental industrial. US
Høst - martial ambient. Poland
Hotel de Prusse - neofolk, ambient. Poland
Howling Larsons - neofolk, psychedelic folk. Greece
Hum Of The Druid - noise ambient. US
Human Voice, The - dark ambient. Norway, Trondheim
Hunting Lodge - experimental industrial. UK
Hvarna - folk ambient. Russia
Hverge - neofolk, ambient. Russia
Hybryds - ritual ambient. Belgium
Hymnambulae - dark ambient. Sweden
Hyperborei - neofolk. Argentina
Hypnopazūzu - experimental industrial. UK
Hypsiphrone - dark ambient. Greece


I.R.O.N. - martial industrial. Italy
I,Ruin - drone ambient. Canada
I.Corax - ritual ambient. Finland
Ianva - neofolk. Italy
Ich Hatt' Einen Kameraden - martial industrial, dark ambient. US
IDI44 - martial industrial, dark ambient. Greece
Iditarod, The - neofolk, experimental. US
Ierophania - Иерофания - martial industrial, noise, ambient. Russia
Igniis - dark folk. Argentina
Ignis Divine - occult ambient. Greece
Ignis Vrbis Mithrae - martial industrial, neoclassical. Italy
Illusion Of Silence, The - dark folk, ethereal. Italy/Russia
Im Einsatz - martial industrial, dark ambient. Switzerland
Imbaru - dark folk. Chile
Immundus - dark ambient. Norway
Imperat - martial industrial, neoclassical. Argentina
IMWI - neofolk. Spain
In Acht Und Bann - neofolk. Germany
In Gowan Ring - neofolk, experimental, psych folk. US
In Meditarivm - ritual ambient. Ukraine
In My Rosary - neofolk, darkwave. Germany
In Ruin - neofolk. US
In Scherben - neofolk. Switzerland
In Slaughter Natives - martial industrial, military noise. Sweden
In The Nursery - martial neoclassical. UK
Inade - dark ambient. Germany
Inanna - Mikael Stavöstrand. dark ambient. Sweden
Indigo Larvae - death industrial. Germany
Infamis - martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland
Infantry - martial industrial. US
Infected Fetus - experimental industrial. US
Infestation - martial industrial, neoclassical. Canada
Inner Devil, The - dark ambient. Latvia
Inner Glory - neofolk. Italy
Inner Vision Laboratory - dark ambient. Poland
Inneres Gebirge - neofolk. Germany
Innfallen - dark ambient. US
Insuffer - martial industrial, dark ambient. Poland
Internazionale - experimental industrial. Denmark
Invercauld - dark ambient. US
Invictus - neofolk. Hungary
Invisible Empire - martial industrial, neoclassical. Italy
IOK-1 – IOK1 - drone ambient. Sweden
Íon - neofolk. UK
Ionophore - experimental industrial, downtempo. US
Irem Of Pillars - tribal ambient, oriental. Germany
Irezumi - dark ambient. France
Irfan - neofolk, ethereal. Bulgaria
Irgun Z'wai Leumi - death industrial. Sweden
Irij - Meri Tadić. neofolk. neoclassical. Croatia
Irmologion - dark ambient. Russia
Iron Marshall - martial industrial, dark ambient, Germany/Italy
IronWork - martial industrial, black metal. Switzerland
Isihia - Исихия - neofolk. Bulgaria
Isolator - dark ambient. US
Isolrubin BK - experimental industrial. UK
Isothesis - dark ambient, abstract. France
Iurta - drone ambient. Portugal


J Orphic - martial industrial, dark ambient, neoclassical. Italy
Jääportit - ambient. Finland
Jack Or Jive - ambient, ethereal. Japan
Jägerblut - neofolk. Germany
Jahrtal - neofolk. Austria
Jarl - dark ambient. Sweden
Jännerwein - neofolk. Austria
Jean-Pierre Espil - experimental industrial, musique concrete. France
Jerome Deppe - neofolk. US
Johannes Malfatti - ambient. Germany
John Cage - musique concrète, classical. US
Joolie Wood - neofolk. UK
Jordan Reyne - dark folk. New Zealand
Jörvallr - neofolk. France
Jowisz - martial ambient, experimental. Poland
Joy Of Nature, The - neofolk. Portugal
Julien Neto - ambient, neoclassical. France


K-Kortex - experimental industrial. France
Kadaitcha - drone ambient. Ukraine
Kammarheit - dark ambient. Sweden
Kammer Sieben - martial industrial, neofolk. Germany
Kamp Concentration - martial industrial. Australia
Kampfbund Neue Ordnung - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Kannonau - martial industrial, neofolk. Italy
Karjalan Sissit - martial industrial, dark ambient. Finland
Karjalan Tazavalla - death industial. Russia
Karl Runau - experimental industrial. Germany
Karma Marata - martial industrial, neofolk. Germany
Karnnos - neofolk, dark ambient. Portugal
Katapygon - experimental industrial. Russia
Kaunan - nordic folk. Germany
Kave - drone ambient. Netherlands
Kaya North - drone ambient. France
Kayno Yesno Slonce - neofolk, ambient. Bulgaria
Kazeria [ KZ ] - martial industrial, dark ambient. Argentina
Kaztalien - folk ambient. Russia
Kentin Jivek - dark folk, psych folk. France
Key - neofolk, post-punk. Finland
Khaoman - experimental industrial. France
King Dude - apocalyptic folk. US
King Jezuz and Duke Zatan - neofolk. Poland
Kinit Her - neofolk. US
Kinovia - neofolk. Serbia
Kirlian Camera - experimental industrial. Italy
Kiss The Anus Of A Black Cat - dark folk, psychedelic folk. Belgium
Klammheim - neofolk. Austria
Klaus Schulze - ambient, berlin school. Germany
Kleingott - apocalyptic folk. Italy
KnifeLadder - neofolk, experimental. UK
Knurl - experimental industrial. Canada
Kolhoosi 13 - dark ambient. Finland
Konau - dark ambient. Italy
Korinth - drone ambient. Slovakia
Korouva - neofolk. US
Kraftfaghrkorps - martial industrial, military noise. Russia
Kraschau - martial industrial. Hungary
Kratong - neofolk, dark ambient. Russia
Kreiviskai - neofolk. Russia
Krepulec - martial industrial. Poland
Kreuzer - martial industrial, neoclassical. Israel
Kreuzweg Ost - martial industrial, neoclassical. Austria
Kraken - dark ambient. Belgium
Kreng - experimental ambient. Belgium
Krieger - martial industrial. Germany
Kriegsfall-U - martial industrial, neoclassical. Hungary
Kriegstrommeln - martial industrial. Russia
Kriegsturm - martial industrial, dark ambient. Latvia
Krigsgravene - martial industrial, dark ambient. Germany
Kristian Olsson - dark ambient. Sweden
Kristoffer Oustad - dark ambient. Norway
KronicDecay - experimental industrial. US
Krusseldorf - IDM, psybient. Sweden
Kryvakryž - martial folk. Belarus
Kshatriy - space ambient. Russia
Kulturkrieg - martial industrial. Sweden
Kutna Hora - neofolk. Argentina
Kymah Runar - death industrial. Italy

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«  January 2025  »
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 The Many Moods of Boyd Rice (1 p) in Films by Trog in 11:34 / 16.01.2025
 Mass Graven Image (10 p) in Noise by insomnia in 05:15 / 15.01.2025
 Winterwind (3 p) in Neofolk by sonnenatale in 18:19 / 12.01.2025
 Beckahesten (4 p) in Ambient by DJAHAN in 17:12 / 12.01.2025
 21.02, Питер: РАНЫ АБСУРДА (0 p) in Promotion by howlovsteel in 19:46 / 11.01.2025
 Rectal Nylon (3 p) in Power Electronics by howlovsteel in 19:44 / 11.01.2025
 De/Vision (6 p) in Synthpop/Futurepop by graven13 in 15:28 / 11.01.2025
 Princess Tinymeat (2 p) in Gothic / Post-Punk by graven13 in 15:13 / 11.01.2025
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 Joy Division (7 p) in Gothic / Post-Punk by sonnenatale in 11:23 / 31.12.2024
 Necroviolence (3 p) in Power Electronics by insomnia in 08:45 / 30.12.2024
 Max Rider (45 p) in Ambient by Warman_of_Mars in 13:43 / 29.12.2024
 Leger Des Heils (48 p) in Martial Industrial by sonnenatale in 11:39 / 29.12.2024
 Empyrium (20 p) in Neofolk by sonnenatale in 11:35 / 29.12.2024
 Sublimatio Mortis (1 p) in Ambient by Wolfram in 18:50 / 28.12.2024
 CMPT (3 p) in Black by insomnia in 08:49 / 28.12.2024
 Didone Society (0 p) in Promotion by didonesociety in 15:48 / 26.12.2024
 Your CD/Vinyl/Tape/Zines purch... (19 p) in Free forum by didonesociety in 15:44 / 26.12.2024
 Soul in Flames (2 p) in Promotion by didonesociety in 15:37 / 26.12.2024
 Empusae (22 p) in Ambient by Wolfram in 19:31 / 23.12.2024
 Solblot (9 p) in Neofolk by sonnenatale in 16:19 / 20.12.2024
 Die Weiße Jugend (10 p) in Martial Industrial by Australis in 18:57 / 19.12.2024
 GVALT - dark electronics chann... (6 p) in Promotion by saterize in 09:03 / 16.12.2024
 Czarna Magia (1 p) in Black by insomnia in 23:51 / 13.12.2024
 Napalm Death (6 p) in Death by Wolfram in 13:58 / 13.12.2024
 Forndom (7 p) in Ambient by DJAHAN in 12:20 / 10.12.2024
 Konflict (1 p) in Black by insomnia in 18:26 / 09.12.2024

1 Mekhanizm 8773 posts
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3 no1Z1e 2781 posts
4 insomnia 2150 posts
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6 YAHOWAH 689 posts
7 rayarcher67 583 posts
8 destroyer 565 posts
9 Wolfram 421 posts
10 bobbyj 384 posts
11 sonnenatale 356 posts
12 HuSStla 348 posts
13 oracion 321 posts
14 PsychologischeM 268 posts
15 saterize 263 posts
16 up178 260 posts
17 Nyxtopouli 223 posts
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24 Odal 63 posts
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