Label: Dangus – DGCD 043
Format: CD, Album
Country: Lithuania
Released: 26 Mar 2014
Genre: Rock
Style: Neofolk
1 Bewangiskas Pintegas Pagaūsenis 7:21
2 Rantawa 7:44
3 Swentagrēiwa 6:12
4 Kunnegsgarbs 7:00
5 Twānksta Town 5:54
6 Āustrawīdja 5:45
7 Merūnas Dwars 3:38
8 Merūnas Meddjan 6:20
9 Skaītan 5:24
10 Dēinawas Deināina 6:39
11 Undēinas Dajā 7:00
12 Bewangiskas Pintegas Wangā 5:44
Bandura – Aleks
Bowl – Aleks
Cello – Anny
Cover – Denis iz Paustatāutan, Niktorius
Drums – Aleks, Niktorius
Engineer – Aleks Āulaukis
Fife – Aleks, Niktorius
Glockenspiel – Aleks
Grand Piano – Sacred Winter (tracks: 5)
Guitar – Aleks, Niktorius
Kanklis – Niktorius
Mastered By – D. Bielkauskas
Mixed By – Aleks Āulaukis
Musical Box – Aleks
Percussion – Aleks, Niktorius
Sounds – Aleks, Niktorius
Violin – Aliona
Voice – Aleks, Alnā (tracks: 10), Alwārmija, Niktorius, Rūkas (tracks: 3), Tanya (tracks: 3, 5), uGn (tracks: 2)
Lanktā lānkina lunkī līnku Aīstas Āustjas
The sacred crooked path towards the estuary of Aīsta [Baltic lands]
This album was conceived in the sacred grove of Galla, Samland, Prussia, Autumn Equinox, 2010. It reflects events experienced during the period of 2001 – 2012. "Undēina's" symbols were gathered during 2010-2012. Some aspects of these are: Water Paths in the maze of austr- directions; the Water Horse season's beginning within dān-,dēn-, ēnd-, (w)und-, wī- borders; wandering Water Hills of kūlm-, al-, gal-, glā-, la-, kau- keys; ultramundane Far-off Birds of gen-, kr-, pt-, ūr- doors.
"Undēina's" innermost Journey's space is the middle of Samland; the expeditions' way and directions are connected with places of the great Prussian sorcerers of 16 century - Waltīns Suplītis and Merūns.
"Undēina's" wasteland of the Beyond is the Aīsta's area between: Klaipėda, Juodkrantė, Königsberg, Danzig, Allenstein, Rominten, Varėna, Vorusnė, Kretinga.
"Undēina's" waters and water paths are: Alkenīks, Alla-Gjalla-Djalla, Kīntā, Skarra, Skerda, Swentagrēiwa, Wirrs, Bāidra, Prēigara, Neman's delta, Dānga, Merkys, Skroblus, Undenawa's estuary, Vistula's delta.
Some of water-overflow instants which violently influenced the Journey and pointed to the ending of it, were:
5 August 2012 Dānga's Water Hill's source's activation, Kretinga;
5 October 2012 Dān- /unDENawa's tempest, Saturn in Scorpio, the Water Horse and Far-off Bird season's beginning, Ljūdjas Wī- wirl, Undenawa.
Dedicated to all seekers who experienced with us the new beginning of the endless Journey.
Recorded in 2011-2012 at sound bunkers: "Wirrs" (Königsberg),"Vytis" (Vilnius), "Komora" (Kiev), D. Bielkauskas mobile ethnic music studio (Klaipėda
Edited and translated into English by Johanna Doyle.
28 pages booklet is full of magic symbols and imaginery, it includes lyrics in Prussian language and all translations.

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