"The Imbaru project finds its inspiration in the countryside and the melancholia of a life tied to the ground far from the alienating technology-ruled cities, taking pure nature as the major influence on the work. Thus, every natural event, season, living creature and sound is considered as part of an essential energy that makes Earth work as a harmonic system. The mystery of nature, the secrets hidden by the ground, the trees and the harvest are some examples of the connection between each being and their environment that the artist wanted to portray through music.
Imbaru is a pantheistic and mystical attempt to recreate every shade of light wandering the meadows, hills and bleak ravines by borrowing the melodies, sounds and silence proper of rural lands.
The project begins back in 2010 experimenting with different sounds which led to a first sketch by the middle of the year called "Transición". Later on, with clearer ideas, the first part of the trilogy was born, "El Cerro y la Penumbra", a work immersed in the mystique surrounding the rainy winter, the campestral night, the forests, and the lost villages' solitude and melancholia.
The second piece, “Las Cadenas del Epitafio”, come out the following year approaching the less cold and more contemplative and melancholic autumn, aesthetic and tones, presenting a view on time progress and its effect on vegetation as a symbol of temporary death and resurrection.
The trilogy finished in 2013 with “De la tierra a la Aurora”, whose music relates to spring, the contemplation of the day and the bright colours along with the resurgence of birds' singing and fruit." fb-info
Discography :
Full-length: 2011 - El Cerro y la Penumbra 2012 - Las Cadenas del Epitafio 2013 - De la Tierra a la Aurora 2014 - Eternos en la Pradera
Compilation: 2013 - Series Oníricas (Series de Piano)
Ep: 2010 - Ensueño de Campo
Unofficial: 2010 - Transición
инструментальный дарк-фолк, само собой скучный и затянутый. когда грустно - лучше не слушать, ибо совсем накроет)
Label: Not On Label - none Format: 6xFile, Album Country: Chile Released: 2 Oct 2014 Genre: Folk Style: Dark Folk
1 Preludio de un Caminante 03:20 2 Dos Esencias Acalladas 07:18 3 Petalos de un Pensamiento 06:21 4 Eternos en la Pradera 12:02 5 Bajo El Ciruelo, Un Despertar a la Nostalgia 10:23 6 Recuerdos entre la Lluvia y la Niebla 09:36
Imbaru – De La Tierra A La Aurora (2014) (re-ed. 2013)
Label: GS Productions – GSP 55 Format: CD, Album, Limited Edition, Numbered Country: Russia Released: 27 Aug 2014 Genre: Rock, Folk, World, & Country Style: Post Rock, Neofolk
1 Preludio A La Floresta 2 De La Tierra A La Aurora Parte I 3 Hojas Y Escarlata 4 El Camino Y Tus Colores 5 Las Raices De Un Nuevo Ocaso 6 De La Tierra A La Aurora Parte II 7 Los Cantos De La Primavera 8 Aurora Parte II
Notes Caminante Silencioso: All Instruments all music composed by: Caminante Silencioso Recorded, mixed and mastered in Casablanca, Chile, by: Caminante Silencioso Year: September 2013 Artwork: Alonso Nuсez Retamal Design: Daniel Serrano Cбceres
Imbaru – Las Cadenas Del Epitafio (2014) (re-ed. 2012)
Label: GS Productions – GSP 54 Format: CD, Album, Limited Edition, Numbered Country: Russia Released: 27 Aug 2014 Genre: Rock, Folk, World, & Country Style: Neofolk, Post Rock
1 Apertura A La Niebla 2 Grietas De Sauco Parte I 3 Canto Gris 4 Elegia 5 Grietas De Sauco Parte II 6 Vientos Otonales 7 Las Cadenas Del Epitafio 8 Grietas De Sauco Parte III 9 Aurora
Notes Caminante Silencioso: All Instruments all music composed by: Caminante Silencioso Recorded, mixed and mastered in Casablanca, Chile, by: Caminante Silencioso Year: June 2012 Artwork: Alonso Nuсez Retamal Design: Daniel Serrano Ceceres
Imbaru – El Cerro Y La Penumbra (2014) (re-ed. 2011)
Label: GS Productions – GSP 53 Format: CD, Album, Limited Edition, Numbered Country: Russia Released: 24 Aug 2014 Genre: Rock, Folk, World, & Country Style: Post Rock, Neofolk
1 Preludio Al Ocaso 2 Entre Raices Y Silencios 3 Fragmentos De Luz 4 Miriadas 5 Armonia De Los Evos 6 El Cerro Y La Penumbra 7 Imbaru
Notes Caminante Silencioso: All Instruments all music composed by: Caminante Silencioso
Recorded, mixed and mastered in Casablanca, Chile, by: Caminante Silencioso Year: June 2011 Artwork: Cover: Felipe Morales Sanchez Back Cover: Alonso Nuсez Retamal Inside: Alonso Nuсez Retamal, Alejandra Miranda Delgado Design: Daniel Serrano Ceceres
Mekhanizm, Hello, I am a representative of imbaru I wanted to ask if it is possible to eliminate the first photograph where three people playing guitar out. this is an unofficial photo, imbaru is made by a person is only change that photograph for some official, all the post is good, less the picture of presentation thank you very much
Mekhanizm, Hello, I am a representative of imbaru I wanted to ask if it is possible to eliminate the first photograph where three people playing guitar out. this is an unofficial photo, imbaru is made by a person is only change that photograph for some official, all the post is good, less the picture of presentation thank you very much
Imbaru – El Inherente Sentir en los Árboles (2015)
1. Preludio Nocturno 2. El Inherente Sentir En Los Árboles Parte I 3. Una Melodía En El Robledal 4. Tiempo Y Ciclos 5. Espejos De Agua 6. Umbral De Amanecer 7. El Inherente Sentir En Los Árboles Parte II