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theesacramenceDate: Fr, 04.11.2016, 05:06 | Post # 1
Group: Users
Posts: 5
User #3097

Reg. 04.11.2016 04:27

Status: Offline

Lovers Seek Dominance, the first full length by Virginia Industrial project Sacramence, is available for the first time since its first pressing sold out immediately on Youth Attack. Out now in a deluxe edition box set, from Knife Vision Records.

The special edition includes:
-High Fidelity Black Shell Cassettes
-New Track
-Oversized Vinyl Cases
-Mini Poster Foldout
-High Gloss Photo Print/Postcard
-High Gloss 1" Diamond Badge Design
-2 Matte-Finish 1" Circle Badge Designs

"Originally a psychedelic black metal band, Sacramence made a very punctuated about face and re-manifested itself as a miserable, atmospheric mixture of post-industrial music, drone, and ambiance which evokes Coil, Raison d’Etre, and even Burzum’s electronic works. Fans of Sacramence’s previous works might be left a little dumbfounded, but Lovers Seek Dominance is catchy enough and performed with a tenderness to leave a lasting mark."

"With their first proper full length now available on Knife Vision, Sacramence has eschewed traditional rock instrumentation and songwriting for a satisfying and dense mixture of early industrial and coldwave sounds, neo-folk, dark ambient, and a decidedly more electronic undertone. This tape immediately brings to mind acts like Coil or Current 93 - shifting from brooding to still brooding (but dancy), and from menacing and bleak to innocent and light. This is what I believe will prove to be the first step in a direction that sees Sacremance garnering praise from outside of the punk and metal communities, and with good reason - “Lovers Seek Dominance” has left me both satisfied, and wildly fascinated with where the project will go next."
-Anthems of the Undesirable

"Here, in their third release, SACRAMENCE explore existence, spirituality and sexuality through electronic and acoustic means. This is industrial music that doesn’t come with the usual amount of mechanical coldness. Here it is more evident than ever that there is an old-world peace that comes with the careful and repetitive nature of ritual."
-J.Hellas (Malphas) / Youth Attack!
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