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Forum moderator: Mekhanizm, Sieg  
SiegDate: Tu, 27.04.2021, 21:46 | Post # 1
Group: Moderators
Posts: 3242
User #38

Reg. 15.12.2013 13:09

Status: Offline

Martial industrial project founded in March 2018. The group features MATTEO BRUSA (Medhelan / La Tredicesima Luna), MIKLOS HOFFER (H.E.R.R. / Donderdag) and TROY SOUTHGATE (H.E.R.R. / Seelenlicht).


Und wir singen im Atomschutzbunker
Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!
SiegDate: Tu, 27.04.2021, 21:52 | Post # 2
Group: Moderators
Posts: 3242
User #38

Reg. 15.12.2013 13:09

Status: Offline
Their debut album "The Rise And Fall Of Athens" is scheduled for a release in late Summer / early Autumn at Lichterklang.

Und wir singen im Atomschutzbunker
Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!
PsychologischeMDate: Sa, 15.10.2022, 13:35 | Post # 3
Group: Uploaders
Posts: 268
User #3269

Reg. 07.01.2017 00:36

Status: Offline

Xiphos - The Rise and Fall of Athens (2022)

“what matters most is how well you walk through the fire”
― Charles Bukowski
FascinationDate: Sa, 15.10.2022, 16:03 | Post # 4
Group: Users
Posts: 23
User #8480
Russian Federation
Reg. 26.05.2021 10:57

Status: Offline
Дождались наконец-то спустя несколько лет.
SiegDate: Th, 30.01.2025, 21:12 | Post # 5
Group: Moderators
Posts: 3242
User #38

Reg. 15.12.2013 13:09

Status: Offline

"Xiphos likes to recount the deeds of the great figures of antiquity, some of them little-known or forgotten. On its latest album, ‘The Age of Alexander’, this project delivers a corpus of new, spellbinding historical episodes. The trio create their scores like a set. The keyboards give colour to the scenes depicted: sometimes heroic and warlike (Artaxerxes, Eumenes), where the martial rhythm and lyrics provide rigorous support for the epic flights of fancy; sometimes instrumental and restrained, like interludes between two tableaux, more inclined to meditation (Timoleon, Phocion).

The voice is the real thread running through this journey, evoking the Attic orators by embodying the story in its various moods: storm, victory, bitterness, trial and glory. The music of Xiphos is akin to a neoclassical martial tale, and the result is an almost cinematic work. In addition to the use of classical orchestration, there is subtle recourse to sounds rooted in traditional Greek music, such as those produced by instruments like the santur or the bouzouki. Lastly, the group's compositions sometimes exude an atmosphere that could be described as Darkwave.

Finally, in a finely woven musical fresco, featuring great destinies, ‘The Age of Alexander’ is a tragic commemoration."

releases March 22, 2025

Music by Shelmerdine.
Vocals and lyrics by Miklós Hoffer and Troy Southgate.
Mixed and mastered by Shelmerdine.

Und wir singen im Atomschutzbunker
Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!
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