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Forum moderator: Mekhanizm, Sieg  
Fasci Di Combattimento
KameradVakinovDate: Fr, 01.04.2016, 21:22 | Post # 21
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Reg. 18.12.2013 02:42

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Comrade, it's an April Fools joke!!! biggrin I was kidding all the way to Valhalla! Did you fell for it or you are taking a part in the script?
I don't intend to rename my project, drastically change the style or make a new album any time soon. FDC will always remain in the trenches! It may evolve and it must, but i will never take a wrong and inappropriate step and shift stuff to the point where, it is a completely new project. Anyways. Yes, i may start a new project in the not so distant future, but Fasci Di Combattimento will always stay loyal to the cause!

P.S. ...btw CMI is dead for quite a while now.
MekhanizmDate: Sa, 02.04.2016, 11:58 | Post # 22
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Saint Petersburg

Reg. 14.12.2013 23:54

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Quote KameradVakinov ()
Comrade, it's an April Fools joke!!! biggrin I was kidding all the way to Valhalla! Did you fell for it or you are taking a part in the script?
I don't intend to rename my project, drastically change the style or make a new album any time soon. FDC will always remain in the trenches! It may evolve and it must, but i will never take a wrong and inappropriate step and shift stuff to the point where, it is a completely new project. Anyways. Yes, i may start a new project in the not so distant future, but Fasci Di Combattimento will always stay loyal to the cause!

P.S. ...btw CMI is dead for quite a while now.

yes , it's good joke. of course CMI is dead from 2014 but sometimes old labels are active with neu energy. i hope CMI will arise with neu releases und FDC albums too. why not.
anyway everything changes and i think to record neu sound is good idea.

MekhanizmDate: Sa, 09.04.2016, 13:56 | Post # 23
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Saint Petersburg

Reg. 14.12.2013 23:54

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Interview with Borislav Vakinov - head of Fasci Di Combattimento

IF: What does the title of your musical project means?

FDC: It simply translates as "The Combat Band" (as a military formation) or just "The Combat Group".it has very little to do with any political ideology. I took the name from the Italian organization officially called "Fasci Italiani di Combattimento" and created by Mussolini in 1914. Yeah, i know. This automatically makes me a fascist or a neo-Nazi, right?! Well, human ignorance, narrow-mindedness and stupidity are blooming in this generation and nowadays. Nothing surprises me anymore. A name is just a name and it doesn't mean much if it's not intended in that way. For example: If i decide to name my next project ''Skull and Bones'', does that makes me a free mason, Illuminati or a member a secret society? The answer is simple. It doesn't!

IF: Tell the story of your music project. How it all began?

FDC: Well, the initial idea was born in early 2009, and it finally began to took shape in July-August of the same year. Since i already had a sort of a martial industrial / electronic background in the face of "Schutzstaffel", the next logical step for me was to evolve into something different and rather personal. It was brewing inside me for a long time. Even before i started listening to Industrial music in general. Being inspired by European history, sense of honor and values, it was easy for me to know in which direction i need to focus. My music was never intended for a wider audience or to gain or expect something from people. I never thought of it like that. It was and it still is a private hobby of some sort. How far i will maintain this hobby? I have no idea! Maybe until i run out of juice... (Kundalini)

IF: What musical device you use when writing and recording your music?

FDC: I mainly operate with software to construct all of the music i make, but i also use non-traditional and unconventional methods and various ways to "extract" or make my own sounds. The software which got me into the whole way of doing or rather "experimenting" with music was called "Reason". I use all sorts of mixers, audio enhancers, samples drum loops and artificial instruments. I don't have any background with "real musical instruments", but that doesn't mean that i am not interested of learning to master one. There's a well known paradox in our fields. It's basically that, artists like us are completely dependent on software programs, computers and mainly electronics. Just imagine this scenario: If a massive solar storm hits the earth or some global disaster of a greater scale occurs and completely wipe out and shuts down all energy on the planet. What then? We're basically thrown back into the stone age! That means, (to get to my point) that you as an artist, you cannot reproduce your music anymore and thus you are no longer involved in a musical project anymore, because all will be lost within a manner of century or more. We cannot represent and recreate our music without electricity! Unless we can find some alternative method or way of doing it, which escapes my mind at the moment. Maybe the kind of music we make DOES NOT have to be recreated with physical instruments at all. Maybe that's the beauty of it. Anyways. My thoughts does not necessarily align with everyone else's, so... Just food for thought. I don't see myself as a musician that's all.

IF: What does your songs mean?

FDC: There's a backstory in mostly all of my songs. Some of them are driven by most basic feelings. I don't think i ever expressed hatred with F.D.C. in some way or with any of my projects. To explain the meaning of my songs a person just have to listen to them and make his own conclusions. I don't like to put a simple and one-directional label to any of my songs. It's simply a matter or personal perspective. Sure, there is certain back ground rooted and attached to that song, but it also has an open space for interpretation. Not everything is black and white. Different kinds of people, different kinds of interpretations.

IF: Your musical and non-musical influences?

FDC: It is virtually almost impossible for me to list every single thing that had influenced me in general, though i can give you the most major examples. First and foremost, biggest influence for me is LIFE itself! The thing we call reality or simply the experience on this planet, manifested through our bodies and our minds. Naturally, one of the biggest inspirations for me is human history. War and conflict is very well obvious and stated through my music, the visuals and the themes in general. Movies and cinema inspires me greatly as well. Concerning music alone, i can be really modest in that regard. I've been through several stages of personal musical development.I started (most likely not only me) to listen to Metal in my teenage years and evolved to what i call right today a temporary "flip of the station" in regard to consciousness and self awareness. Musical taste changes all the time and i am no exception. It's a wave-based frequency information travelling from point A to point Z. Which point "Z" respectively represents or may represent the end of our journey on this planet. In simple words, when we die. (or when we loose out the life force) Consciousness is not finite. Though who knows. Maybe ours souls are continuing to evolve after when our physical bodies sease to exist and also the development and our musical tastes continues to perfect themselves or seek new heights. Or maybe musical taste is like breathing air in other forms of existence and reality. The possibilities are infinite and beyond measure.

IF: Your dreams and goals?

FDC: I seek knowledge and knowledge seeks me. I want to witness the arrival of a better world. My goal is not to achieve, what most people are aiming to achieve in some area of the fake system we live in. I dream of the day when people finally are wake up, realizing that this world, this reality, this prison of our own minds, this artificial movie script, we call-LIFE is not perfect and it can be (with unity) and effort be easily changed into something beyond our greatest imaginations. We so desperately seek accomplish some sort of earthly ideal, but people fail to realize and (most of) the global population, that it is not the world we need to change, but ourselves! We're not who we are and we were brutally deceived. Wake the fuck up HUMAN RACE!!!

IF: What do you think about the so-called "piracy" on the Internet?

FDC: What is piracy nowadays? The term even lost it's meaning. Here's the thing. I as an artist, cannot say that i oppose it. Simply because it's easy to shout from the rooftops "No! Piracy should be banned and people who pirate music should be persecuted or at least looked upon like criminals" say the least. It's bollocks! It would be the stupidest and ignorant thing in the well known and visible universe. My position on this matter is this: Nowadays it's different. Musicians can actually stream, tease or simply put their music on you tube, bandcamp, soundcloud, etc. If i want to hear certain music or album from an artist, a band or a project, obviously i go on these places. There are plenty of websites where you can do that. If course the artist, the band of the project decides to put it there for promotional purposes. Everyone who seeks attention does that, so no point arguing. I remember when i didn't had a PC back in the day, the only choice i had, when presented with the dilemma of finding new good music was to actually buy the damn album, tape or whatever from the shelf and the only way of knowing is it any good was to take it home and give it a good couple of hours listen. Apart from TV, magazines, radio stations (which didn't played my type of music) or borrowing it from a friend who had a copy of it, the choice was quite limited for music hungry beast on this age. It the end it comes down to, If you like it, buy it! Support the artist and put the physical copy on your shelf. Both sides are happy! Holding it in your hands and appreciating the artwork, reading the lyrics (if any), even (may sound awkward), but smelling the freshly printed paper does make a difference. In the current era of "All digital", we're clearly facing an extinction of "the physical". And if you just look around you and realize, that it's not only concerning music. Movies, video games, and most importantly books are on the same way of transformation. This deeply sickens and distur me in every possible way! Down with the huge corporations!

IF: When you plan to release the next album? About what will it be?

FDC: Currently, i have no clue when or what the themes will be. When the time comes and inspiration decides to visit me once more, then i can start doing plans for the next album, EP, split or who knows what.

IF: Are there any problems with the further progress of your project?

FDC: No, not for the moment.

IF: And finally - what would you like to add for the readers of the interview and listeners of your music?

FDC: Well, i'm not much of a "speech heavy" guy myself , but i'll just say this.
If people are interested in the music i make and if they share at least some of the ideas i present through it, then that is a good thing in general. It doesn't make me happy and it doesn't make me sad. It doesn't make anything. It's actually irrelevant what people think of my my music. Important thing will always be, their support and their honesty! That is more than enough for a guy like me. I don't doubt that some may SLAM my music and call me names and what not, but in the end of the day, who gives a flying fuck about what people think or may say about me or my music? It's always that 1 % of negative opinions that puts you off and gives you a hard time in the corner, doesn'y it? Quite frankly, i don't care! It's not the end of the world and most importantly, it's not IMPORTANT! Not all things are just one dimensional. Do i care about anything? Of course i do! ...but it's most certainly NOT that 00000.1 % of someone else's twisted opinion about something that wont give me anything constructive in life or to my music. So, yeah. Negatives aside, now i also, thanks to all who supported me, who listened, shared and appreciated my music. If my vision means something to you, then your appreciation and gratitude means everything to me! Skål and have a great APOCALYPSE! See you on the other side! ...of the wall

KameradVakinovDate: Th, 11.05.2017, 15:05 | Post # 24
Group: Uploaders
Posts: 13
User #160

Reg. 18.12.2013 02:42

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HuSStlaDate: Fr, 03.01.2020, 13:57 | Post # 25
Group: Moderators
Posts: 348
User #2550

Reg. 03.05.2016 18:50

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Fasci Di Combattimento - Among the Ruins: Ten Years of Marching | Anthology: 2009​-​2019 (2019)

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