ᚾᛟᚢ II // ᚦᛟᚦ ᚷᛁᚷ is Henrik Nordvargr Björkk and Thomas Ekelund (not to be confused with their other project "Det Kätterska Förbund").
With every repetition of these curses, the emanating energies are multiplied by one order of magnitude. Each current becomes a shining dagger that cuts through the flesh, and bone, and souls of treacherous men.
Recite these names;
And harms bane shall cleave them atwain.
Let them be plagued by disease.
Let them be plagued by misfortune.
Let their souls wander, aimlessly,
in eternal night.
Rob them of their joy, their laughter,
and make their every day a horrid nightmare.
This is our will and purpose
This is the kindling of our flame
A curse to end all curses
To taint their unspoken names
These ritual sounds are to be considered a living curse, one thats spirals out of control and gains more momentum for every time it is recited/played.
released July 21, 2018
Released on CD by
http://www.oldeuropacafe.com in DVD-sized Digipac.