Zen Zsigo - Cremation Lily, Life In The Dark, Bound Bible, Natural Assembly
""Cremation Lily began with shifting news samples and distortion, at first this just stood as a competent example of that. But things shifted up a few gears as the samples started to disappear and the guy in charge started to manically throw electronic noises together and scream into the microphone as this built up he became more confrontational, barging into the crowd angrily yelling and screaming. The set was brief and impressive with an abrupt end." From Heathen Harvest.
Cremation Lily is a power electronics project by UK-based artist Z.Zsigo. It’s harsh, sometimes rhythmic noise with underlying dark melodies and atmospherics."
Sexless Merit 3 versions Strange Rules 2011
A Body Of One's Own (Cass, Album, Ltd) Strange Rules none 2013
It's OK To Say No (2xCass, Ltd) Strange Rules Rule-035 2013
Fires Frame The Silhouette (LP, Album, Ltd) Alter ALT17 2014
Singles & EPs
Fertility Servant (7", Ltd) Harbinger Sound HARBINGER108 2013
Funeral Home 2 versions WATERPOWER 2011
April Twenty-One (Cass, Comp, Ltd) Strange Rules Rule-043 2012
Selected Recordings 2012-2013 (Cass, Comp, C90) Not On Label (Cremation Lily Self-released) none 2013
Amateur Photography Guide: Photography Ring & The Photographer (2xCass, Comp, Ltd) Strange Rules RULE-050, RULE-052 2013
2 (Cass, Ltd) Strange Rules RULE-004 2011
Cremation Lily (Cass, Ltd) Strange Rules RULE-001 2011
Natural Assembly / Cremation Lily - Nothing, Everything Hidden 2 versions Strange Rules 2012
Votive Mirror (Cass, Ltd) Strange Rules Rule-027 2012
Opiate Birth (Cass, Ltd) Strange Rules Rule-034 2012
Age Of Consent (2xCass, Ltd) Strange Rules Rule-028 2012
Cremation Lily x False Moniker - Servant's Habit / All Unbroken Remains (Cass, Ltd, C20) Strange Rules RULE-019 2012
Leather Satchel (Cass, Ltd, C16) Fusty Cunt FUC66 2012
Infant (Cass, Ltd, C10) Strange Rules RULE-011 2012
The Pardons Of Saints 2 versions Strange Rules 2013
Lorient Shield 2 versions Total Black 2013
Brotherhood Of Gold (2xCass, Ltd, C10) Strange Rules RULE-058 2013
Welcoming Shining Love (Cass, Ltd) Strange Rules Rule-055 2013
Photography Ring (Cass, Ltd) Strange Rules RULE-050 2013
The Photographer (Cass, Ltd) Strange Rules RULE-052 2013
Uncomplicated Explanations (2xCass, Ltd) Strange Rules RULE-044 2013
Passing Stone / Fires Frame The Silhouette (Cass, Ltd, C-6) Strange Rules RULE-038 2013
Drug Trafficking Case Histories Greek Island Yellow Sand (Cass, Ltd) Strange Rules RULE-045 2013
White Guard (2xCass, Ltd, Num) Winter Cross Winter Cross 01 2014
The End Of The Pier (Cass, C25) Strange Rules RULE-064 2014