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Prussian Blue
MekhanizmDate: Mo, 28.07.2014, 23:10 | Post # 1
Group: Admin
Posts: 8772
User #1
Saint Petersburg

Reg. 14.12.2013 23:54

Status: Offline

Country of origin: US
Location: Bakersfield, California
Status: Closed 2007
Formed in: 2003
Style: ballads, white nationalist pop, indie pop, folk rock
Last label: Pühses Liste (2006)

Lynx Vaughan Gaede - June 30, 1992 (age 22)
Lamb Lennon Gaede - June 30, 1992 (age 22)

Links: en.wikipedia | Discogs | LastFM

Prussian Blue — (дословно prussian blue — берлинская лазурь) — подростковая музыкальная группа, появившаяся в начале 2003 года. Состояла из двух сестёр-близнецов Линкс Воган Гайд (англ. Lynx Vaughan Gaede) и Лэмб Леннон Гайд (англ. Lamb Lennon Gaede).

Идеология и тематика песен

Дизиготные близнецы сёстры Гайд родились 30 июня 1992 года в Бейкерсфилде (Калифорния). Девочки были воспитаны своей матерью Эйприл Гайд (англ. April Gaede) в идеологии, которая включала превосходство белых, белый расизм, борьбу с иммиграцией и т. д. Такова же была тематика песен, исполнявшихся группой.

СМИ утверждают, что девушки называют Холокост мифом, а тексты их песен имеют националистический и расистский характер. Большие споры вызвал их позитивное отношение к нацизму: в телевизионном интервью American Broadcasting Company девушки одобрительно отозвались об Адольфе Гитлере и Рудольфе Гессе. Во время интервью ABC близнецы, заявили что они считают Гитлера великим человеком с хорошими идеями и охарактеризовали Холокост как преувеличение. Они отрицали существование в нацистских лагерях смерти газовых камер, а также не признавали причастность к военным преступлениям солдат 14-й дивизии войск СС.

Прекращение карьеры

В июле 2011 года iPad-газета The Daily опубликовала интервью с сёстрами Гайд, в котором они утверждают, что больше не придерживаются идеологии белого национализма. Однако они сохранили хорошие отношения с матерью, которая всегда учила их критически относиться к тому, что они слышат, а не просто принимать это. Линкс по-прежнему однако придерживается мнения, что множество историй о Холокосте были неверно истолкованы.

Также в интервью рассказывается о состоянии здоровья сестёр. У Линкс был обнаружен рак и ей была удалена опухоль на плече. После этого у неё развился синдром циклической рвоты. Лэмб страдает от сколиоза и хронических болей в спине. Обе сестры получили документы, позволяющие им легально приобретать марихуану в штате Монтана для ослабления болей.

В то же время на YouTube было загружено видео с песней дуэта «Still the Same» (рус. Всё те же). После этого в Интернете появились спекуляции, что истинной причиной прекращения выступлений Prussian Blue является их ухудшенное состояние здоровья, а не перемена взглядов. ru.wikipedia

Fragment Of The Future ‎(CD, Album) Resistance Records none 2004
The Path We Chose ‎(CD, Album) Not On Label (Prussian Blue Self-Released) none 2005

For The Fatherland ‎(CD, Comp) Pühses Liste PÜCD 047 2006

Sachsonia + Ferox + Asynja + Frontalkraft + Prussian Blue - Dresden-Pappritz Der Sachsentag 2007 ‎(2xDVD-V) PC Records none Unknown

Live Rarities ‎(CDr, Unofficial) Not On Label none Unknown

MekhanizmDate: Mo, 28.07.2014, 23:28 | Post # 2
Group: Admin
Posts: 8772
User #1
Saint Petersburg

Reg. 14.12.2013 23:54

Status: Offline

Prussian Blue – Fragment Of The Future (2004)

Label: Resistance Records – none
Format: CD, Album
Country: US
Released: 2004
Genre: Folk, World, & Country, Rock
Style: Folk


1 Road To Valhalla - Written-By – Ian Stuart 3:54
2 Victory Day - Written-By – Hawthorne, Latvis 4:14
3 Weiss Weiss Weiss 1:19
4 Our Vinland - Written-By – Ian Stuart 4:02
5 Sacrifice 3:21
6 Panzerlied 0:38
7 The Snow Fell - Written-By – Ian Stuart 5:19
8 Gone With The Breeze - Written-By – Ian Stuart 4:07
9 Aryan Man Awake 4:28
10 I Will Bleed For You - Written-By – Ken McLellan 5:04
11 Hate For Hate: Lamb Near The Lane 4:17
12 Victory 3:32
13 Sisters 1:04

01) Road To Valhalla

There is a road and it leads to Valhalla Where only the Chosen are allowed. There is a boy with a dream of Valhalla, A place in the land of the Gods.

But in the heart, where the fire burns forever, Where life goes on for those who fell in battle, The Gods are waiting for the moment he falls in the fight, And he will rise when the sun goes down.

He raised high his sword, as he cried out “Valhalla!” His dream had become reality. Tonight he will dine, on the road to Valhalla, Chosen to feast with the Gods.

But in the heart, where the fire burns forever, Where life goes on for the might young Viking, The journey has finally come to and end, for the boy. And he has risen as the bravest of them all.

02) Victory Day

Well sit down and listen, to what I have to say. Soon will come a great war, a bloody but holy day. And after that purging, our people will be free, and sing up in the bright skies, a sun for all to see...

Times are very tough now for a proud White man to live. And although it may appear that this world has no life to give. Times are soon changing, this cant go on for long. And on that joyful summer's day we'll sing our Victory song...

The women, they'll smile, on Victory Day. And the children, they'll laugh and they'll sing and they'll play. And the forests will echo our grace, for the brand new dawn of our Race...

You are my brother and in war we proudly sing. Our Cause shall never tire. Our gift to you we bring: A holy creed of Racial purpose, A mighty Race to defend. And when we fly our holy flag their oppressive reign shall end...

And when we finally conquer, our people will be free. And all across this great land, the bold Truth we shall see. So as we march together, to avoid catastrophe, let's remember always our sacred Destiny...

03) Weiss Weiss Weiss

Weiss weiss weiss sind alle meine Kleider. Weiss weiss weiss ist alles was ich hab. Darum lieb ich alles was so weiss ist, weil mein Schatz ein Bäcker Bäcker ist. Grün grün grün sind alle meine Kleider. Grün grün grün ist alles was ich hab. Darum lieb ich alles was so grün ist, weil mein Schatz ein Jäger Jäger ist. Schwarz schwarz schwarz sind alle meine Kleider. Schwarz schwarz schwarz ist alles was ich hab. Darum lieb ich alles was so schwarz ist, weil mein Schatz ein Schornsteinfeger ist. Bunt bunt bunt sind alle meine Kleider. Bunt bunt bunt ist alles was ich hab. Darum lieb ich alles was so bunt ist, weil mein Schatz ein Maler Maler ist. Darum lieb ich alles was so bunt ist, weil mein Schatz ein Maler Maler ist.

04) Our Vinland

The scent of an new mown meadow wafts gently through the bars. The sound of summer harvesting can be heard from afar. The beauty of our Vinland is a beauty hard to beat. But the heart has been corrupted by a change in power seat.

Will we stand and watch them taking our freedom away? Will we stand and watch them taking our freedom away?

Our warriors are slandered and they're thrown into their jails, and kept from all their loved ones inside dungeons deep and stale. They say that "self-defense is no offense" till the law starts with their lies. They send you down for protecting your own, already guilty in their lying eyes. Our hearts are filled with Love and Pride for Vinland is our home, The hills and dales are in our souls and the forests ours to roam. Now we lay back in our cells and we think of the times gone by, We think back on our lives and homes and the friends who wait and cry.

05) Sacrifice

He fought so strong for our race. We're finally back in our place. It took his life, my dear son, and now it's over the war is won. Our Race was saved because the lives that were sacrificed: those men that died...

Sacrifice , they gave their lives. All those men who have died. Sacrifice, they gave their lives, all those men who have died.

Warrior poet, I sing his songs. Ian Stuart, with his voice so strong. Remember his words, as we sing along.

Rudolph Hess, man of Peace. He wouldn't give up and he wouldn't cease, to give his loyalty to our Cause. Remember him and give a pause.

Robert Matthews knew the Truth. He knew what he had to do. He set an example with Courage so bold. We'll never let that fire grow cold.

Dr. Pierce, a man so wise, helped so many of us open our eyes, and see the future for what it could be: a future for our Race’s eternity.

06) Panzerlied

Ob's stürmt oder schneit-Ob die Sonne uns lacht… Der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht! Bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser Sinn… Ist unser Sinn! Es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin!

07) The Snow Fell

He sat in a room in a square the color of blood. He’d rule the whole world if there was a way that he could. He’d sit and he’d stare at the minarets on top of the towers, for he was the Beast as he hatched his new plan to gain power.

And the snow fell, covering the Dreams and Ideals. And the snow fell, freezing the Blood and the wheels. And the snow fell, they had to keep warm for survival. And the snow fell, and defeated the Beast’s only rivals.

They took the old roads that Napoleon had taken before. They fought as the forces of Light against the Darkness in a Holy War. One day they were looking out on the sun shining on the cornflowers. The next day they were freezing to death in the snow and the ice cold showers.

And the snow fell, covering the Dreams and Ideals. And the snow fell, freezing the Blood and the wheels. And the snow fell, they had to keep warm for survival. And the snow fell, and defeated the Beast’s only rivals.

Then came the deadly roads back in the steps of their retreat. The cold racked their bodies, but worse was the pain of defeat. Many people who had hailed them once now turned and walked away, for these people now knew that the Beast was on his way.

And the snow fell, covering the Dreams and Ideals. And the snow fell, freezing the Blood and the wheels. And the snow fell, they had to keep warm for survival. And the snow fell, and defeated the Beast’s only rivals.

You finally came back to the borders of our Fatherland. Now enemies came, traitors everywhere at hand. Many people who had fought and died knowing that they had to win. And still it sickens my heart to see a picture of the red flag in Berlin.

And the snow fell, covering the Dreams and Ideals. And the snow fell, freezing the Blood and the wheels. And the snow fell, they had to keep warm for survival. And the snow fell, and defeated the Beast’s only rivals.

08) Gone With The Breeze

You're gone with the breeze, just like the leaves on the trees. Gone are the times with your family ,your family. You left Dark behind. You knew they had your death warrant signed. But there was no way that you would compromise, no compromise.

You're gone with the breeze. But you'll always be there on our minds. You're gone with the breeze, just a memory, of those times. You're gone with the breeze. But you left a lot of people who loved you. You're gone with the breeze, but we'll remember you, remember you.

You stood against lies. You would never hide. You stood face to face with the enemy, the enemy. Against all the odds, dangerous paths you trod. You knew it could only end in tragedy, in tragedy.

You're gone with the breeze. But you'll always be there on our minds. You're gone with the breeze, just a memory, of those times. You're gone with the breeze. But you left a lot of people who loved you. You're gone with the breeze, but we'll remember you, remember you.

All ends in devastation, for a man who loved his Nation. Another warrior they took away. Yeah, they took you away. In our hearts you did not die. Forevermore your flag will fly. One day the land will stand in your memory Robert Mathews.

You're gone with the breeze. But you'll always be there on our minds. You're gone with the breeze, just a memory, of those times. You're gone with the breeze. But you left a lot of people who loved you. You're gone with the breeze, but we'll remember you, remember you.

09) Aryan Man Awake

When the man who plows the fields is driven from his lands. When the carpenter must give away what he's built with his own hands. When a mother's only children belong to her no more. And black masked men with guns come bashing down the doors. Where freedom exists for only those with darker skin. Where lies and propaganda will never let you win. Where symbols of your heritage are held with such contempt, and benefits of country 'cept tax are you exempt .

Aryan man awake, How much more will you take, Turn that fear to hate, Aryan man awake.

Can you see how they lie to warp your daughter's minds? Can you let your sons be trodden down or held behind? Can you apologize for things you did not do, and leave this battle that we fight to the proud and the few? What will it take for you to waken to the truth? What will it take for you to remember your own youth? What will you give up to help this worthy Cause, and strike with force and fury, without a single pause?

Aryan man awake, How much more will you take, Turn that fear to hate, Aryan man awake.

What will it take for you to remember your own folk? What will it take for you to break that heavy yoke? Why do you still cast your eyes downward to the ground? Worry lest what you say have prejudicial sound. Who will stand beside us when the war begins? Who will run and hide their heads and wait to see who wins? Who will face the end and watch a Valkyrie ride forth To join the gods and fallen stormtroopers of the North?

Aryan man awake, How much more will you take, Turn that fear to hate, Aryan man awake.

10) I Will Bleed For You

I see you all around me. I see the apathy in your eyes, knowing not what it means to be free, watching as the White flame dies.

It means nothing to you, Pride is an unknown trait. Tell me what are you gonna do run and hide or face the hate?

To every man who doesn't dream, I am the Dreamer. To every man who doesn't believe, I'm the Believer. To every man who doesn't Receive. I'm the receiver. To every man who refuses to bleed, I will bleed for you.

Well you're walking round in circles, burying your head in the sand. Watching but not caring, while they rape your land. Turning your face to the wall, living in a second class world, while the valiant stand and fall. You just do as your told. Tell me how do you live with yourself?

Hang your head in shame. Have you no pride in your heritage, and no pride in your name? I'm glad that I'm not like you. I know my children are proud of me. While yours still suffer too, mine I know will always stay free.

11) Hate For Hate

Endless years in a prison cell, endless years of a living hell. A soldier of the Folk, with a tale to tell. Of why he fought to save his own kind, an image of beauty, he sees in his mind Of a beautiful maiden, now forced to the fight. Because to many White men chose wrong over right.

Some day in Valhalla, when he’s young once more. He will hold the hand of the image he adores

It’s not right for a Lamb near a Lane. To fight with a lion is insane. If the White men won’t battle for Life and Race. The women and children, the Terror will face...

This song was not written to entertain. Will Rams with horns fight for the Lamb near the Lane?

I am the Lamb I’ll stand beside the Lane I am the Lamb I’ll stand beside the Lane I am the Lamb I’ll stand beside the Lane

12) Victory

Children are playing, we have won. Victory is ours, the war is finally done. Our people’s dedication is now complete, our enemies have finally been beat. The warriors are singing in Valhalla and in their homes. Our people are no longer afraid to walk lone.

We have won , we are done Victory is ours , VICTORY !!! We have won , we are done Victory is ours , VICTORY!!! Speak the Truth!

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