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Forum moderator: no1Z1e  
Synthetische Lebensform
no1Z1eDate: Tu, 16.01.2018, 19:16 | Post # 1
Group: Moderators
Posts: 2781
User #41
Reg. 15.12.2013 13:45

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Elctro-industrial project from Russian Murmansk playing music influenced by early Frontline Assembly with the spirit of 90s electro-industrial acts.
no1Z1eDate: Tu, 16.01.2018, 19:18 | Post # 2
Group: Moderators
Posts: 2781
User #41
Reg. 15.12.2013 13:45

Status: Offline

Synthetische Lebensform - Initialization (2015)

Label: Synth-Me
Format: Digital Album
Country: Russia
Style: Electro-Industrial, EBM


01. Subsequence
02. Broken Machine
03. Existence of Insanity
04. Corps of Aerial Plat
05. Sci-Fi EBM
06. Third World War
07. Steel
08. Come Down
09. Disappearing
10. Ruthless
11. Stroggos
12. Aggression
13. Disappearing (rottweiler remix by Metallspürhunde)
14. Disappearing (Asdeandare remix)
15. Existence of Insanity (SadoSato remix)
16. Subsequence (Syntech remix)
17. Subsequence (sin.thesized by [ Sin.thetic Squad ])
18. Subsequence (covered by Your Bunny Rot)
19. Subsequence (minimal mix)

no1Z1eDate: Tu, 16.01.2018, 19:20 | Post # 3
Group: Moderators
Posts: 2781
User #41
Reg. 15.12.2013 13:45

Status: Offline

Synthetische Lebensform - Extravagant (2017)

Label: Synth-Me
Format: Digital Album
Country: Russia
Style: Electro-Industrial, EBM


01. Dead Sunlight
02. Ghost Shadows
03. Future Sound of SLF
04. Excellent
05. Back to Reality
06. Bright Worn Gears
07. Bomb
08. Impact of Technology
09. Virus
10. We Get Control
11. That You Choose
12. Generator B (Bonus track)
13. UltraCorps (Bonus track)
14. War Machine (Bonus track)

no1Z1eDate: Sa, 28.12.2019, 13:10 | Post # 4
Group: Moderators
Posts: 2781
User #41
Reg. 15.12.2013 13:45

Status: Offline

Synthetische Lebensform - Redirection (2019)
A new era? May be. New sound? Definitely. New turn? Probably. New direction? Maybe. Synth-Me Internet label presents remix release of Russian project Synthetische Lebensform. In 2015 a duo from Murmansk released a successful debut full-length album, which was warmly received by fans of post-industrial music. In 2017 adding one letter to the name SLF released their second full-length album with more diverse sound. In 2019 there will be no full-length album, however, the project will please its fans with other interpretations of its past material. Reimagined material by the Russians themselves and their colleagues for the dark scene is called "Redirection" and includes five reworked by Synthetische Lebensform themselves tracks and eight remixes. More voluminous dense sound of new versions lies in the area of the same oldschool electro-industrial, however with more modern notes. Their European and South American colleagues worked on remixes. The result is a powerful release with a dark electro thriller from the Mexicans Death Signals, an electro-industrial remix from the Belgians Reality's Despair, EBM opuses from the Germans The Saint Paul and Zweite Jugend and the Swiss BAK XIII, a dance rhythmic remix from the Russians Antilav, futurepop atmosphere of the British LordD Master and unexpected rock remix from Swedish Guilt Trip. "Redirection" will be available for free download on the official Synth-Me website and on the Bandcamp page of the label. With this release Synth-Me finishes 2019, looking forward to new ideas and projects, congratulates everyone on the upcoming holidays and wishes a lot of good and high-quality music in the new year. Probably all the participants of this release and other releases on the label in 2019 will join the wishes. Synth it up!

no1Z1eDate: Sa, 20.06.2020, 14:58 | Post # 5
Group: Moderators
Posts: 2781
User #41
Reg. 15.12.2013 13:45

Status: Offline

Synthetische Lebensform - Symmetry (2020)
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